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Resolution for Places and Things -
a Compassionate Approach, accessing what our bodies believe to resolve the story of a property and even write a new story (Specializing in stigmatized property, killing fields and battle grounds).
$425 minimum + travel expenses. The actual fee depends on the scope of the work to be done.
House Blessing & Dedications
Start your life in a new home with a thorough and gentle cleansing of it's energy and a personalized infusion of your purpose, light and love.
This work can also be used to resolve and release the energy of your relationship with a home you are leaving, making room for a new relationship with your new home or space, and leaving it clear for the next occupant.
Business Start-ups & Completions
Let's clear and rededicate Property and People for your business start-up or business completion. Let's optimize the story that you will develop over time with a focused intention.
Stigmatized Property Resolution
We'll change the energy of an item or property that has experienced drama, trauma or tragedy by resolving the interested party's relationship to the things the property has experienced.
Battle Fields & Killing Fields
Many of us have passed through places that have been witness to great and horrific loss of life. We are moved by the experience, sometimes to the point of wanting to bring peace to the land. We can bring the "Stillness beyond Peace" to Killing Fields.
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